Thursday, 16 January 2014

TFTD - 15 January 2014 - Thoughts from Today's Bible Readings

15 January 2014

Genesis 27
Psalms 32
Matthew 17


Today's Psalm [Psalm 32] is one of the most meaningful and personal of all the Psalms. Just 11 verses; it is a good one to try to memorize. It is structured in a fascinating way - in 4 parts.

The first 2 verses give two examples of a special "blessed" state to be in. Then Psalm 32:3-7 is David's personal petition as a sinner; times of weakness; separation from God; need for reconciliation.

Psalm 32:6,7 are remarkable! David receives a personal message from God, a reply as it were and writes it down. The final two verses sum up the situation and what the attitude should be of "the one who trusts in the LORD" and aims to be "upright in heart."

Get out your Bible and read these 11 verses slowly and reflectively, the four sections will be evident to you. Think of what your life means to God - and what He means to you.
- DC

Thought for the Day

15 January 2014

"In the ecclesia our differing gifts are bricks of different shapes, sizes and colours. They are not to be used for throwing at each other; we shall never build a temple that way. That is how the Corinthians were using them, and they had to be told to "seek to excel to the edification of the church" (1 Corinthians 14:12). And love is the only mortar that can bind them all together. The third chapter of the letter to the Colossians tells us that, where, after a list of things that we are to "put on", the Apostle concludes: "And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness". (Colossians 3:14). He does not mean merely that love is more important than all these things; he means literally, "on the top of all these things", spread over them all to unify them, to bind them perfectly together."

- H.A. Twelves
Builders or Destroyers? (1950)

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