Monday 20 January 2014

TFTD - 18 January 2014 - Thoughts from Today's Bible Readings

18 January 2014

Genesis 31
Psalms 35
Matthew 20


One characteristic of human nature that God does not like, which was evident in our readings today in Genesis is the effect of favouritism resulting in unfairness and prejudice. We see God's reaction to Jacob's favouritism toward Rachel and dislike of Leah. Rachel was party to this as is evident from Leah's comment to her, "You have taken away my husband" [Genesis 30:15] and Leah's approach to Jacob, "I have hired you with my son's mandrakes" [Genesis 30:16]

We must be thankful that from the time of Christ, the principle of one man one wife was restored. Prejudice is again evident among the sons of Laban, while they acknowledged the blessings that came during the first 14 years that Jacob was with them, they resent Jacob providing for his own household [Genesis 31:1] and even Rachel and Leah came to be regarded by him as "foreigners" [Genesis 31:15] We will soon read of the prejudice that occurs between the sons of Jacob because of his favouritism toward Joseph.

Yet the remarkable thing in several of these situations is that God makes use of human prejudices and jealousies, weaving them into his pattern of events toward a Divinely ordained end. "For those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose" [Romans 8:28] But, let us realize that this is for the good of his purpose, it might not necessarily seem to be for ours at the time, such as when Joseph was put into the pit by his brothers! Paul's words to the Philippians are words to hold in our minds where, he says that people do things (in this case preaching) from envy and rivalry, but others from good will. The latter do it out of love … [Philippians 1:15-16] "Let love motivate us in all that we do - did not Jesus even say, 'love your enemies'."
- DC

Thought for the Day

18 January 2014

"Fellowship should be the loving companionship of those who believe the same divinely-revealed things in all essential particulars, and follow them in the conduct of their lives. Paul calls this the "fellowship of the gospel," "the fellowship of Jesus Christ our Lord,” the “fellowship of Christ’s sufferings." While John says, "You also may have fellowship with us," and that we may know what is the nature of that fellowship he adds, "our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ." (1 John 1:3)"

- C.C. Walker
Brotherhood and Fellowship (1923)

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