Friday 25 April 2014

"THEREFORE LAY UP THESE WORDS" Bible Reading Thoughts for April 25th


            We continue to read the earnest words of Moses to the people, he is imploring them to remain faithful to the eternal God, their LORD.  “For the LORD your God,” he says, “is God of gods and LORD of lords, the great and mighty and awesome God … you shall serve him and hold fast to him … he is your praise” [Deut. ch 10, v. 17,20,21]
            When we praise God, sing praises to him, we must make sure there is a genuine spirit of praise in our hearts.  Moses reminds the elders, who were teenagers when they came out of Egypt and witnessed the awesome events at Sinai, saying, your eyes have seen all the great work of the
LORD,  that he did.” [11 v.7]  And us? 
            We have the whole of God’s word to read and absorb its’ message – and to be inspired by that message in its many parts – realizing how those parts combine and relate together in a multi-dimensional picture. He warns them that when they come into the land and prosper to “take care lest your hearts be deceived, and you turn aside … then the anger of the LORD will be kindled against you …” [v.16]
            Now apply this picture of God’s blessings and warning to today.  What a transformation came over the world when God’s was available in every language – and largely read and preached!   We all know what the scene in the world is like today.  How long before God acts to punish the world for turning so totally away from him? 
              We read today in Acts 1 the final words of Jesus before he ascended to heaven, “It is not for you to know the time and seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority … but you will be my witnesses … to the end of the earth.” [v.7,8]  The witnessing has continued through the words they wrote and the other words God inspired men of God to write.  The “times” are nearly up – and only those who have “laid up God’s words in their hearts” will rejoice in that time.  Make sure you are among them.  

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